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GCSE Spanish Journal

ACE your GCSE Spanish exams with the brand new GCSE Spanish Journal! Use its six specially designed sections to organise your way to success.

Bullet Journal


Reflect on what areas of GCSE Spanish you would like to work on, and fill out your weekly planner with the key words, topic and phrase of the week. Keep track of your vocab test scores, your homework and also any upcoming exams.



Use this section to note down those pesky words you always forget in Spanish. Keep your own comprehensive vocab list which will help catapult you to success. Remember you need to see a new piece of vocab 8 times before it sticks!



Use the GCSE grammar checklist to help you keep track of what you know and what you don't. Revise key grammatical terms, and all the tenses you need to know for GCSE (along with those nasty irregular verbs!)

Writing with Pen

Writing & Speaking

Follow the detailed checklist to ensure success in your writing and speaking exams. Revise key photocard vocabulary, recap key questions you could be asked, and put all of this into practice in the designated writing practice section.

Eating Paella


Revise the key constructions, verbs, vocab and higher level phrases for each topic at GCSE. Fill in your own topic summaries, vocab list and mind maps to help you organise your knowledge into manageable chunks.



Last but not least, use this section to jot down any other notes you might have to do your with your GCSE Spanish course - whether it's about grammar, vocab, exam skills, or whatever else has caught your attention.

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